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Compliance, Integrity, Ethics and Transparency

ICT Sustentável Global was born with its Compliance, Integrity, Ethics and Transparency Policy, which ratifies the importance of its sustainable and innovative essence and, in particular, its commitment to improving local and global society. We are sure that this is a strategic policy that has governance, guidelines, and objective, clear rules about how to overcome indecision and problems and make the best decisions in a responsible, committed, and ethical way.

Its Compliance, Integrity, Ethics and Transparency policy is in line with its own DNA, which is based on and consequently guided by sustainability and innovation. By sustainability in all its dimensions - political, social, economic, environmental, and cultural - evidencing its broad understanding capable of guiding human and organizational development. By innovation, an indispensable factor to proactively deal with all the novelties of the information and knowledge society.

In this perspective, it is understood that sustainability and innovation become a strategic unit that becomes an organic and dynamic driving force for its sustainable enterprise, always striving for the necessary ethical integrity and transparency as indispensable factors for its entire operational strategy.

Furthermore, all the initiatives of ICT Sustentável Global will aim at the socialization of information and knowledge relating Sustainability and Innovation with the most varied areas of knowledge, precisely by betting on the synergy of the different areas for the expansion of the necessary socio-environmental responsibility and, especially, in its power to promote multidisciplinary entrepreneurial actions that will be converted into feasible activities capable of favoring human formation and an integral society.

It is understood that the necessary good corporate governance, compliance, and integrity practices are the fundamental basis for sustaining our research and business. Therefore, our priority is to always act in full compliance with ethics, integrity and transparency.

Integrity, ethics, and transparency are factors that corroborate the responsibility and commitment of ICT Sustainable Global with the laws, internal regulations, ethical and moral standards in the undertaking of its vision, mission, and sustainable values, which seek to contribute to the promotion of integral human formation, learning organizations, fair markets, and a more dignified and better society for all.

Therefore, itTherefore, it is considered very important for ICT Sustentável Global to continuously reflect on its Compliance, Integrity, Ethics and Transparency Policy, as it involves themes so relevant to its ongoing enterprise, such as ethical conduct, best practices, leadership guidance and examples, process improvements and interaction of professional activities, policies to encourage certain personal and professional behaviors, accountability systems, constant monitoring processes and use of resources, and impartial interactions with society in general.


This Policy of Compliance, Integrity, Ethics and Transparency aims to establish the clarifications for all the forecast and provisioning of the actions and professional activities of ICT Sustentável Global for all its Councils, Researchers, Internal and External Clients and the general public. In this perspective, it highlights the understanding and importance of its multidisciplinary action, covering all areas of knowledge, becoming essential to act in maximum conformity with the guidelines of its Internal Rules, Code of Ethical Conduct (hyperlink), Best Practices Guide (hyperlink), Procedures and other documents of the Institute, with the obligations and requirements of Compliance and legislation applicable to its research and professional activities at national and international levels.


In an unsustainable society, where markets are in constant transformation, instability, and uncertainty, the need for conduct that is upright, transparent, responsible, and committed to the sustainability of organizations, markets, and society is becoming increasingly noticeable.

For decades we have been observing a greater dynamism in technologies and communications, consequently, an immeasurable increase of more transparent actions in organizations, a condition understood as primordial by the Global Sustainable ICT to meet the expectations of the knowledge society that imminently needs a greater ethical and moral commitment from everyone.

ICT Sustentável Global understands that Compliance is a common issue for everything and everyone in its real condition of undertaking a more organic and dynamic Institute for its actions and activities in greater harmony with the demands of the markets and of global society.

The integration of all areas of the institute becomes fundamental with the common goal of enhancing the understanding of the development of competencies, skills, attitudes, values, and ethics for its evolution. In addition to structuring the integration of all the aforementioned variables into holistic propositions capable of guiding all of its challenges in a convincing way.

Therefore, this Policy has as its main objective to establish the functions and attributions related to Compliance issues, necessarily, for all the protagonists of ICT Sustentável Global, always with the intention of corroborating the expressiveness of acting in total conformity with the rules of the Code of Ethical Conduct, Best Practices Guide and other procedures and documentation of the Institute in the search for an integral ecosystem.

Finally, its main function is the progressive development of ICT Sustentável Global's own Compliance policy to act in the educational, preventive, monitoring, and control functions on different topics intrinsic to Ethics, Integrity, Transparency, and Interaction with organizations in the public, private, and third sectors, both nationally and internationally.


The ICT Sustentável Global has sustainability and innovation as its guiding principles, and when it comes to sustainability, its policies are based on Agenda 2030, a United Nations (UN) document that presents the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are 17 Goals and 169 targets.

The policies intrinsic to sustainable integrity are in line with the 2030 Agenda, where the historical, conjuncture and, above all, future-oriented analysis of the ICT Sustentável Global is considered.

Thus, it incorporates these objectives in its strategic planning, both for its immediate short term actions and for its medium and long term actions. Thus, it is constantly seeking alignment with several of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely:

SDG 3. ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages;

SDG 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;

SDG 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls;

SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all;

SDG 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries;

SDG 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable;

SDG 12. Ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns;

SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;

SDG 15. Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss;

SDG 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels;

SDG 17. strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

In this dimension, this policy meets the insertion and dynamization of actions in compliance with its strategic planning, especially, based on its vision, mission and sustainable values, such as:

Sustainable Vision

To be a global reference as a sustainability-driven Institute of Science, Technology, and Innovation.

Sustainable Mission

To strategically undertake a thinking, based on the synergy between sustainability and innovation, as a condition capable of arousing innovative sustainable actions in human beings and, consequently, in organizations, markets, and society at a local and global level.

Sustainable Values

Love, Dignity, Honesty, Ethics, Morality, Trust, Loyalty, Responsibility, Commitment, Empathy, Competence, Fairness, Humility, Diversity, and Solidarity.


Initially, paraphrasing Kant: "Ethics comes to be the duty to act in conformity with the principles that one wants to be applied by all human beings". The ICT Sustentável Global will consider ethics as the science of human conduct, the end to which that conduct is directed, and the means to achieve that end, thus always relying on philosophical currents that consider the nature of man.

Ethics for ICT Sustentável Global becomes its essence, its cellula mater, its global structure, made of human, social, and professional foundations present in all its components. In the same way, morality becomes fruitful in the established good customs, in the rules of operation of the institutional actions themselves, in the various details and sometimes so ingrained in customs and values. For, these are conditions that when forgotten, even quickly, make us vulnerable and fragile to vices and bad habits.

The commitment to ethics becomes an indispensable, indelible, and guiding characteristic of all actions and/or activities intrinsic to Sustainable Global ICT and its intense relations with society; for, its sustainable DNA corroborates its ethical-moral predestination in the search for better human beings and a more dignified society for all.

Another crucial point is the organizational culture related to ethics and its exercise as a clear influence on the integrity of all the protagonists of ICT Sustentável Global. This is because the more consistent the Institute's culture of integrity, the lower the possibility of irregular actions and/or activities that could characterize the absence of ethical and moral behavior.


ICT Sustentável Global understands that transparency becomes an indispensable ally for the dynamization of its sustainable development; therefore, becoming a space with mechanisms for total transparency and dissemination of information of public interest, strengthening its responsibility and commitment to the relentless pursuit of the best management practices and respect for the relationships of trust with which it has built its relationship with the scientific community and society in general.

There is the certainty that transparency must undoubtedly be an integral part of the ICT Sustentável Global Agenda and drive the promotion of its evolving governance and performance toward the realization of accountability in the discourse and, above all, in the effective, efficient, and effective actions on good governance in contemporary times.

The uninterrupted promotion of transparency for all research and business, including the continuous evolution of compliance actions, its expansion, providing objective and useful, timely, expressive, and reliable information to interested publics, provided that those considered institutional secrecy are safeguarded, providing greater control by society and contributing to the credibility and consequent visibility of the Institute.

Certainly, transparency becomes a situation of extreme necessity in the contemporary world, especially to provide a better forecast and provisioning of the Institute in its various actions, which aim for progressive contributions possible to favor a more responsive management, both for the public and private or third sector, more sustainable, innovative, and better for all citizens.

Innovative Sustainable Axes

In the sequence, 5 (five) sustainable and innovative axes - governance, guidelines, communication and channel, training and development, monitoring - are presented as guiding factors of this Compliance, Integrity, Ethics and Transparency policy, which are strategic and aim at the constant global reach and adoption of preventive mechanisms through the unconditional promotion of ethical conduct among all its researchers and/or those acting on behalf of the ICT Sustentável Global.

1. Sustainable Governance

Sustainable governance is based on the guiding imperative of ICT Sustentável Global, that is, on the condition of undertaking its management from the dimensions of sustainability - political, social, economic, environmental, and cultural - in such a way that sustainability and innovation are converted into allies capable of driving its entire enterprise in the search for the scaling of socio-environmental responsibility.

Likewise, to ensure that sustainable governance is always supported and guided by ethical and moral precepts in favor of an increasingly transparent development of its activities with a focus on human and organizational development and the continuous improvement of local and global society.

Thus, it is considered to be in relentless pursuit to meet all national and international accreditation criteria and to gain credibility, visibility in order to be a governance reference for public, private, and third sector organizations.

Our guiding proposition of sustainable governance, which is already incorporated from the very birth of ICT Sustentável Global, aims at meeting the highest organizational standards (public, private, and third sector), in addition to striving for total alignment with the different criteria and demands necessary for the achievement of expressive accreditations, national and international certifications, and, especially, to maintain proactive compliance with its vision and mission based on its sustainable values.

2. Sustainable Guidelines

These guidelines envision the sustainable enterprise of Science and Innovation as the driving force behind the ICT Sustentável Global and as a way to contribute to the dynamization of the political, social, economic, environmental, and cultural environment, with the intention of promoting respect for human dignity and a more balanced society.

ICT Sustentável Global will always be prone to the continuous search for quality and excellence in research and, above all, in its feasibility in order to effectively convert its results into concrete activities for the benefit of society, always with the perspective of favoring sustainable development that provides socio-environmental responsibility.

In this sense, it is believed that these guidelines become factors that guide our attributions and possible actions that can be confirmed for the accomplishment of responsible and committed activities with the global ecosystem so in need of continuous improvements.


ICT Sustentável Global makes every effort to maximize and optimize the active cooperation and full engagement between its researchers and the general public in order to ensure maximum interdependence of actions and decisions, thereby jointly building sustainable networks of proactive cooperation and partnerships at local (city, state, district, and national) and global (international) levels.

Ethnic and sociocultural diversity:

ICT Sustentável Global praises and considerably values diversity in its relationships with people and institutions, and also the diversity of actions and commitments with the various emerging themes, knowledge, and information that promote contemporary society. Thus, providing the guarantee of the principles of respect to all differences, of non-discrimination, and of social equality, even because its mission is centered on the search for a more dignified and better society for all.

Appreciation of Board Members, Researchers and Collaborators

Human beings are indispensable and become the greatest capital of ICT Sustentável Global. They are the enterprising protagonists of the intellectual capital that continually enhances the socio-environmental capital of ICT Sustentável Global.

In this dimension, they promote their competencies, skills, performance, responsibility, commitment, and well-being to achieve institutional success in its different dimensions, always basing their fruitful actions with society on the intense respect for the necessary rights of citizenship.

Socio-environmental responsibility

ICT Sustentável Global is committed to the constant evolution of socio-environmental responsibility for the development of contemporary society. To this end, it appropriates effective subsidies for controlling its actions and taking responsibility for the progressive institutional development, as well as the continuous change of posture for intense socio-environmental valuation and accountability.


ICT Sustentável Global has an unconditional commitment to respect democracy, always prioritizing the representative and permanent instances of its protagonists, as well as the effective participation of all its members and society.

Socialization of information and knowledge

ICT Sustentável Global shows its broad commitment to the socialization of information and knowledge, providing free and full public access to the information and knowledge produced, which can be converted into strategic and competitive value to favor the relations between science, sustainability, innovation in the search for a sustainable society.

Entrepreneurial Education

ICT Sustentável Global is certain that education is the fundamental basis for the sustainable development of society. Consequently, it bets on entrepreneurial education as a determining condition, based on the constant conversion of problems into opportunities, as a relevant factor in the progressive promotion of full citizenship and the exercise of democracy, so necessary for a more inclusive society.

3. Sustainable Communication and Channel

The undertaking of communication initiatives by ICT Sustentável Global aims to publicize and ensure full transparency of all compliance actions continuously promoted by the Institute; as well as, sensitize, raise awareness, guide, and clarify any doubts and/or uncertainties about the various stakeholders.

At ICT Sustentável Global communication is objective, clear, and continuous to enable the promotion of the indispensable compliance culture, so that everyone can feel responsible and committed to the actions and/or activities of ICT Sustentável Global and, in particular, to its image in global society.

An Ombudsman channel was created in the ICT Sustentável Global with the main function of receiving and dealing with denunciations, complaints, suggestions and compliments. The Ombudsman's Office also starts with the creation of the ICT Sustentável Global with attendance to the public through the website - Ombudsman's Office -, by e-mail, telephone and in person. Since it was created, the Ombudsman's Office has its own computerized system to register and process citizens' manifestations internally and externally, monitor response times and generate reports. The proposal is to constantly strengthen the Ombudsman's Office by increasing access to the service, improving its processes and communication.

Furthermore, a specific page is available on our website ( that deals with the Compliance, Integrity, Ethics and Transparency policy, where it is possible to consult the expressive actions implemented, developed, corporate institutional guidelines, other internal/external strategic procedures, Code of Ethical Conduct, Guide to Best Practices, Procedures and other Institute documents, with the Compliance obligations and requirements and legislation applicable to its research and professional activities on a national and international level.

4. Sustainable Training and Development

The evolution of ICT Sustentável Global depends on the continuous performance of people (Advisors, Researchers, Collaborators), who will guarantee its updating and expansion, indispensable conjunctures in the world of information, technology, communication, and knowledge.

It is necessary to clarify that it is the policies based on the effective activities inherent to training and development that will keep active and, mainly, proactive all the needs for maintenance and re-dimensioning of the Compliance, Integrity, Ethics, and Transparency Policies at the Institute.

Without a doubt, training and development becomes an unconditional support for all the protagonists of the Institute. Then, its main objective is to bring more quality to its processes, which are increasingly indispensable to keep them more responsive to the current intense demands. Because of this, the training and development strategies become fundamental for the areas to be more engaged with their activities, which always prioritize human, social and professional development, important conditions for the Institute's projection.

Therefore, it is the training and development policies that will contemplate the activities for improving the performance of all its protagonists, which shows the Institute's commitment to a strategy of constant prospection in the tireless direction of harmony with its vision, mission, and sustainable values.

5. Sustainable Strategic Monitoring

The ICT Sustentável Global considers that its sustainable management needs to promote a progressive monitoring of all actions and/or activities, both of its protagonists (Councilors, Researchers, and Collaborators) and of its research demands and professionals (public, private, and third sector institutions/companies).

For, it is known the relevance of monitoring as a fundamental condition to maintain the intense search for high development and alignment with the ethical-professional sense of the Institute, an indispensable factor for the maintenance and total consonance with its Vision, Mission, and Sustainable Values.

Under these circumstances it is fully believed that the continuous, resilient and proactive monitoring of the strategic policies of ICT Sustentável Global to remain, imminently, more responsive to the constant and uncertain demands of the global market is the responsibility of its Board and Management. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Directors and Officers of ICT Sustentável Global to permanently maintain its strategic policies in order to expand all indispensable actions for the improvement of its monitoring inherent to its Compliance, Integrity, Ethics and Transparency policy.

Furthermore, to make it possible for institutional policies to be propagated in order to establish and disseminate objectives, principles, guidelines, and norms capable of contemplating consistent guidelines for the sustainable development of the management of the ICT Sustentável Global itself.

Finally, it is certain that this Compliance, Integrity, Ethics, and Transparency Policy needs to be rethought, continuously, in order to be resized in the search for increasingly responsible and committed actions towards the human being and the global society.