Sustainability and Innovation: Potential entrepreneurial synergy for equity and employability for Deaf people
The aim of this project with the International and Brazilian Virtual Congresses on Sustainability and Innovation for the Deaf is to create a culture in which sustainability and innovation become a potential synergy for promoting continuous improvement in the level of employability and equity of the deaf population.
The increase in the deaf population worldwide and in Brazil has been growing and is in need of inclusive and dignified actions. The aim is to combat this problematic factor by creating strategies for inclusion, as insertion, thus realizing the necessary protagonism of deaf people in society.
From this perspective, the Congresses are looking for true inclusion that can make a considerable contribution to tackling socio-environmental inequalities through local and global face-to-face and/or virtual (hybrid) actions, which are simultaneously intrinsic to the effective inclusion of deaf people in favor of developing their socio-environmental responsibility capable of favoring the global ecosystem.
Therefore, it is considered that the real inclusion that will guide these congresses is inclusion in thinking, because only thinking will guide our effectively inclusive actions; thus, providing deaf people with the necessary protagonism to foresee and provide for all undertakings in favor of everything and everyone.
1- Education and Distance Education (DE). 2- Inclusive Education and Assistive Technologies. 3- Management and Public Policies. 4- Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. 5- Sustainability and Social and Environmental Responsibility. 6- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 7- Ethics, Equity and Human Rights. 8- Health, Well-being and Quality of Life. 9- Spirituality and Culture. 10- Inclusion and Diversity. 11- Arts, Language and Cultural Expression. 12- Evaluation and Monitoring. 13- Technology and Visual Communication. 14- Deaf History and Identity. 15- Deaf Leadership and Protagonism
May 25th, 26th and 27th, 2022
Virtual event - You will receive the broadcast link near the event:
General Management - General Management - Prof. Dr. Marcelo Pereira Marujo / International Assistant Director - Prof. Dr. Rui Duarte Moura / International Deputy Director - Prof. Dr. Valéria Marques de Oliveira / National Deputy Director - Prof. Dr. Mary Neuza Dias Galdino / Scientific Coordination - Prof. Dr. Claudio Burlas de Moura / People, Finance and Logistics Coordination - Prof. Dr. Pando Angeloff Pandeff / People, Finance and Logistics Coordination - Prof. Dr. Juarez Jonas Thives Junior / Marketing and Social Media Coordination - Prof. Dr. Cátia Regina França / Compliance Coordination - Prof. Dr. Veronica Lagassi / Communications Coordinator - Prof. Dr. Joanita Cristina Rodrigues
Prof. Dr. Artur Marecos Parreira - USU - Brazil - UL - Portugal Prof. Dr. Carlos Roberto Fernandes de Araújo - ABCA - Brazil Prof. Dr. Claudio Burlas de Moura - Faculdade Cesgranrio - Brazil Prof. Dr. Deivid Carvalho Lorenzo - UCSal - Brazil Prof. Dr. Fátima Bayma de Oliveira - FGV Rio - Brazil Prof. Dr. Fátima Cunha - Cesgranrio Foundation - Brazil Prof. Dr. Isauro Beltrán Núñez - UFRN - Brazil / Cuba Prof. Dr. Joanita Cristina Rodrigues - UniPiaget - Cape Verde Prof. Dr. Manuel Zunguze - Maputo Pedagogical University - Mozambique Prof. Dr. Marco Antônio Sampaio de Jesus - USJT-SP - Brazil Prof. Dr. Marilene Sinder - UFF - Brazil Prof. Dr. Mirza Marvel Cequea - University of Piura - Peru / Venezuela Prof. Dr. Ogenis Magno Brilhante - IHS - Netherlands Prof. Dr. Ovídio Orlando Filho - Faculdade Cesgranrio - Brazil Prof. Dr. Paulo César Schotten - UFMS - Brazil Prof. Dr. Roberto Guimarães Boclin - Brazilian Academy of Education - ABE - Brazil Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Rosa dos Santos Junior - UNIARAGUAIA - Brazil Prof. Dr. Rui Duarte Moura - Lusófona University - Portugal Prof. Dr. Sumaia Midlej Pimentel Sá - UCSal / UNEB - Brazil Prof. Dr. Valentina Gomes Haensel Schmitt - UCC - Chile Prof. Dr. Valéria Marques de Oliveira - UFRRJ - Brazil Prof. Dr. Valéria Quiroga Vinhas - FINEP - Brazil Prof. Dr. Veronica Lagassi - UFRJ - Brazil Prof. Dr. Waldecir Gonzaga - PUC-Rio - Brazil